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English help (CHM) 12.01
English help (PDF) 9.00

Help wanted!

You can take part in improving the program and translate it into your own language.
Download English interface, translate it and send to me by e-mail. Metalith currently supports Chinese (Simplified), Dutch, English, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian.

Download English interface

Any suggestions, feedback, and comments are welcome.

Words of gratitude:

I would like to take this opportunity to thank a few people, without whose help Metalith wouldn't be what it is today:

Phil Harvey, programmer and photographer, for his great ExifTool software.
Jens Duttke, programmer and photographer, for his remarkable PhotoME software.
Tim Hull, game designer and animator, for a great help in the creation of the English interface.
Luciano Marcelli, freelance part-time translator, for Italian localization.
Joep Hein, for Dutch localization.
ShaShu, for Simplified Chinese localization.
Larry Calderón, for Spanish localization.
Alexey Knyazev, for base of Portuguese localization.
Stanislav Grigoriev, for Ukrainian localization.
Mat, for Polish localization.
Tilt website, for Japanese localization.

And last, but by no means least, anyone else I may have forgotten (You know who you are!).

Copyright © 2008-2024 A. A. Semyonov